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A member registered Jul 21, 2021

Recent community posts

Thoroughly enjoyed this hidden gem of a work in progress visual novel. I would like to thank the furry tag for bringing me here.

To the team behind it: The premise is interesting, the characters are fun and interesting, the music choices were nice, and of course the sprites and cgs were really good. Rare for a version 0.2 to have diverse emotive sprites for their characters, as well as the cgs present too.

All in all, enjoyed it, and look forward to what you'll all make next.

(1 edit)

Hey, If you still need help with making an android version, here's the main steps you'd need to follow:

1) Download RAPT from renpy's website for the renpy version you use, in the public release you used 7.4.9, so the link is:

2) Download version 8 of the Adoptium JDK:

3) Launch Renpy, and Click on 'Android' in the actions category, underneath build distributions. Then install the SDK and create keys. Keep the keys you create safe.

4) Go back to the `Android` section, and click `Configure`, and follow the prompts.

This sets up your environment to build android versions, but there are some code changes needed for the full experience. Basically any graphical changes you've made, need to have a mobile variant declared. To do this, you copy the style, and add `variant "small"` or `variant "touch"`, depending on the context, to it.

Things that need to be changed:

-The textbox needs the new sprite. You can just remove the `phone/` part in the `style window`, under mobile variants.

-Choices menu needs to be changed. They currently go way to the right. Duplicate the choice screen, add 

variant "touch"

Then you can replace the area parameter with 

ysize 0.6
align (0.5, 0.5)

This gives a more scalable, and less hard coded variant for mobile.

-You'll probably want to add a 'Hide' button for mobile users, as they can't middle mouse button. Adding this code to `screen quick_menu` will add it:
`textbutton _("Hide") action HideInterface()`

I don't know if there's any other screens that don't work on mobile, but these are the main ones.

After this, you can build the android version. You'll want to build a universal apk, not the playstore version. It'll take a while, but afterwards, you'll have an apk. You can install this on your phone to test, or with an android emulator.

Edit: Sorry for the wall of text lol. Let me know if you need any more help, or if I was unclear with something.

I agree with the other comment fully. The quality has been really, really good. Something you might consider, could be to make a dev log in between builds. This could highlight anything really, like something new you've learned about the Game Dev process - this could be renpy related, storytelling related, etc. - or touch on aspects of the world building that may not end up in the final game, etc. This gives insight into the game and it's development, while giving the audience something to interact with, and keeping your game 'alive' to the itch algo. Ultimately, you choose what you think is best for the game and your team. I look forward to what comes next! 

The new sprites look really good. They're slightly different, but overall I feel they capture the characters well. Looking forward to what comes next!

Enjoyed the new update quite a bit, and I'm interested to see where it goes from here. The world building in this seems really good so far. The English translation could use some editing, but I was able to follow the story pretty well. Overall, excited for the next update!

They released an update that exposes the language selector in the options menu today.

You're welcome! Let me know if I need to delete the message to avoid spoilers.

Also, the missing translations are mostly caused by what seems to have been lines that were changed after the translations were generated. You need to use renpy to regenerate/update the translations, then at the bottom of the translation files, it'll have a section headed with

# TODO: Translation updated at xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx

The translations that need to be fixed are below this heading. Do note that the original broken translations will still be in the translation files, and should be removed at some point.

The following lines need updated translations:

"Пройдя внутрь академии, вайб которого очень сильно напоминал какие-то стариные замки, я замечаю, что в холле есть несколько человек, которые о чём-то разговаривают."
"Барс смеётся над моей реакцией и взъерошивает мех на моей голове."
"Снова вернувшись в холл, я обращаю внимание на Роберту.{w} Уже выстраилась приличная очередь."
a "Я посмотрю как половник и суп из жабы и с растениями поможет тебе в драке с монстром."
"Я прокашливаюсь, пока мы садимся на один из диванчиков в этом холле."
"Лицо Вильмара сразу становится расстроенным."
"Сейчас время уже завалило за полдень."
"Она всё ещё с неким недоверием смотрит на Вильмара."
"Там... есть какая-та специальная формулу для расчёта её веса."
"Но я её не помню. Пока она выполянет свои функции, это всё, что мне от неё нужно."
"Мне она досталась от мамы. Она привезла её, когда ездила в одну из командировок."
"Так или иначе... Я начинаю доставать свои вещи."
"Я не совсем знаю, как мне к нему относится."
"Забравшись в кровать и накрывшись одеялом, я начинаю по-немногу проваливаться в сон, смотря одним взглядом на свет луны, падающего из окна на пол моей комнаты."

Additionally, The following translations are missing, or incomplete.

"Эти книжные полки поднимались вверх, прямо в крону дерева." - Missing Translation. Is located in assestdefine.
"И... Когда я увидел тебя, я знал, что ты будешь встревожен." - First character is not translated.
"Хээй! Я не толстый! Ты даже не представляешь, как в этой рубашке тесно." - Missing Translation.
(2 edits)

Hey, I'm writing in case you still need help with the English translation not showing up on Android. In screens.rpy, you need to un-indent the language selection radio box by 1, as it is currently in the pc or web variant section, that is used for the full screen/windowed buttons. In the pc release, this is in the screen preferences() section, around line 700.

By unindent, I mean this:

                    style_prefix "radio"
                    label _("Язык")
                    textbutton _("Русский") action Language(None)
                    textbutton _("Английский") action Language("english")


                style_prefix "radio"
                label _("Язык")
                textbutton _("Русский") action Language(None)
                textbutton _("Английский") action Language("english")

Yes. So much yes.

*Incoherent screeching* This looks SO good! He looks so much fluffier now. Also the 3/4 angle is just *chefs kiss*.

Hey if you still need help, can you message me on discord? My username is Rachel1204#7797. Using the comment section is kind of clunky, however if you'd rather stick to this that's fine, just offering an alternative.

Honestly understandable.

I've updated my comment, it's currently almost 1am, I can try help again later if it still doesn't work.

(2 edits)

Which JDK version do you have installed? JDK8u332? Additionally, did you get it from adoptium or elsewhere?

A few last things before I head to bed:

Did you download version 8 of the JDK?

Did you download the JDK and not the JRE?

Is the JDK in the PATH? If you're not sure, you can run the installer or modify from add or remove programs, and click repair to make sure.

Do you have any other java installations that might be conflicting with it?

Did you update from an older version of renpy, and if so did you update RASP with it?

I'm sorry for all the questions, they're currently all I can think of that might be causing the problem, as it isn't a problem with the project itself as I was able to build it. Renpy asking you to install the JDK likely means that it for some reason cannot find it, so that's what I based these off of. If you still can't get it to work I can try help you out again later if you want.

(4 edits)

I was able to compile an android build on my end, it works on both emulator and my own device. I am going to playtest it to ensure the game is fully functional now. You do need to change the line in for style main_menu_frame under the mobile variants to have the title screen show up on android. In the public released version this is line 1470.

Edit 1: The glossary needs to be edited to fit the scrollable items in width wise, as well as the longer entries like Daramulum.

Edit 2: The following lines might not render properly on android phones: NOTE: These are the line numbers in the public build. These go up until the route split.

174, 257, 283, 287, 297, 313, 315, 329, 333, 346, 361, 398, 406, 502, 504, 524, 589, 607, 665, 848, 1347, 1367, 1383, 1513, 1558, 1606, 1658, 1752, 1830.

I might be able to offer some assistance, but I have a few questions:
1) Does it build an apk file at all?
2) If it does, does the apk file not install or launch properly?
3) If it does not, does it display any error messages at all, or any other odd behaviour?
4) What version of renpy are you using?

You might need to rebuild the APK. I was able to get the game to launch on my phone by creating an Android build based off of the files in the PC version.

I agree with the previous comment, the characters in this game are REALLY well done. I've enjoyed what I've read so far and look forward to more.

Also hoping this comment boosts engagement, and that the itch algorithms will bless this game with the recognition it deserves.

(1 edit)

Hey don't know if you're still doing this, but this is what I've got so far, I'm not entirely sure they're correct of course, but figured might as well post them:

"Eth nohewo lliw veren niw trenursot ghift ganai." - First Dream
The one who will never win returns to fight again.

"Thaed semco rof lla." - First Dream
Death comes for all.

"Nekle erefob emand pyar rof latisavno." - First Dream
Kneel before me and pray for salvation

"Meco otem." - Dream in class.
Come to me.

Edit: I think I solved the first one.